
a may recap | 2022


How’s it going? I can’t even express how often I’ve told my coworkers this month – May is my favorite time of the year (work-wise) because everything is so slow: a lot of people are still on PTO and while there are still things to do, there’s no sense of urgency. It’s so nice. I’ve been able to log off early most weeks and just relax. This happened last year too, where after the busy season deadline, I felt like I had SO much time to do… what? What were my hobbies lol? Obviously toward the tail-end of May, the tragic events in Texas made me slow down and think – keeping those families in my thoughts.

Anyway, today I just wanted to share a little photo diary of the month. Hanging out with friends, doing lots of reading and yoga; we were blessed with some sunny Seattle days… so nice.

My firm hands out a well-being stipend and with our fiscal year wrapping up, I was… nowhere close to using up my stipend. Obviously, I chose the most expensive class I could find that I had been wanting to try for awhile: SoulCycle. The verdict? Really fun! I’ve taken my fair share of spin classes in Seattle and I definitely think their classes are higher caliber but it’s nothing life-changing. I joke with my friends that it’s like going out to Chop Suey (especially for themed rides) but like the healthy version, lol.

I randomly found out that Douglas Stuart, author of Shuggie Bain and his latest release, Young Mungo was coming to the Seattle public library in downtown to speak! I was in the middle of reading Young Mungo so I attended his event. It’s always so interesting to hear the behind-the-scenes!

My first french dip at Lost Lake! So good.

A little Molly Moon’s trip! Required, at least monthly.

Loool so H and I finally found a couch from Facebook Marketplace – my find! We loved the herringbone texture and the seller was offering a great price. It’s definitely supposed to be cream-colored but we spent a full week using OxiClean White Revive (like, multiple tubs) to clean all the couch covers and remove other stains, etc. Sadly, we’re not able to remove the cover on the bones of the couch, so here we have… a blonde Oreo couch at the moment. We think it’s so funny.

A little bar crawl night out!

Brought my friend K to SoulCycle! It was Taylor Swift vs. Olivia Rodrigo, aka my dream ride. Was so fun! The mixes were grand.

The annual The Moth event hosted by Seattle Arts and Lectures (SAL)! I’ve never been to The Moth but have been wanting to since 2018? 2019? Regardless, this was SAL’s first Moth event since the pandemic! I had a fabulous time; the storytellers were all so different, some stories were sad, some were uplifting, some were creative and just need to be shared – you can read more about The Moth in my post here.

One of the really sunny weekends, Kath and I decided to go on a little hikey-hike at Discovery Park! It was sooo gorgeous.

A group of gals and I also went to the U District Street Fair, as we had in our undergrad days for old times’ sake. The sun was beating down and the lines were absolutely wild, but seeing all the cute vendors sparked lots of joy. I fell head-over-heels in love with the bookmobile, Blue Kettle Books!

Memorial Day weekend – my firm gave us the Friday before off as well for an extra long weekend! I laid super low – the weather wasn’t great all four days… but I did have myself a time and went to a coffeeshop to read outside in the morning with an iced latte. *chefs kiss*

Made vegan pizza from scratch using the same recipe as I did the first time! So satisfying. Rest of the weekend was spent doing lots of reading, making a trip to Ikea (trying to feel something and happy to report I did!), and binge-watching Conversations with Friends (the verdict: H and I were very disappointed).

How was your month? I feel like the end of May was tough mentally/emotionally and in general, vibes were just off. Someone told me it’s because mercury is in retrograde, whatever that means lol. Hoping the vibes in June are better!!

Thanks for reading,

Jen x

I review events for #SAL as part of the #SALSuperFanClub; in exchange for a free ticket, I offer my unbiased review.