books, lifestyle

Blogging, Commenting, is it all Getting Old?

I’ve noticed recently that I haven’t really been in the blogging mood. It’s hard to say, I mean, I’m still reading actively (c’mon, it’s SUMMER) and all and I’ve been posting pretty frequently. So it’s not necessarily a blogging slump, but… I’m not sure what it is.

A Little Background Story

I started blogging back in the summer of August 2011, and back then, blogging was so NEW to me, and not many blogs existed yet. I blogged pretty consistently (albeit, around many different blogs..), but I never really commented on other blogs. I just read other blogs. It wasn’t until I started co-blogging with Beverley from A READING DAYDREAMER that I really started commenting all over the place. I fell in love with commenting! I have no idea why the idea of commenting came across so late, but it felt really nice just interacting with other bloggers and sharing my own thoughts on their posts/reviews.

My Issue – NOW

Now though, it seems commenting has become.. tedious. Time-spending. My comments obviously decreased as I got busier each month, but I also found that I’m not motivated to comment much anymore. Lately, I’ve just been reading blogs again. Simply reading. And there’s nothing wrong with that. However, I’ve noticed my OWN blog’s comment number has decreased, probably because I MYSELF haven’t been actively commenting.And I don’t want to comment on other blogs just for the sake of getting comments on my own blog; I want to retain that same commenting fever I had when I was co-blogging, commenting for the FUN of it.

That brings me to my next question – is blogging getting old? It seems like vlogging and Booktubing is the new THING. Me + vlogging = a whole different post for another time. BUT, am I simply just getting bored with blogging..? I hate that idea, I really do. But it honestly seems like the same old, same old. I want something fresh that will renew my love for blogging, but at this point, I’m kind of just stuck.

My questions for You

Are you an old blogger? If so, do you feel the same way as I do? What do you think about vlogging/Booktubing? What about commenting? How do you stay motivated to comment on other blogs, rather than passively reading their content?