college, lifestyle

trying something new: capoiera

Hello! How are things? I’m officially back in school (spring break flew by!) for my last quarter of junior year. Currently, I’m sitting at the library writing up this post, still a little sweaty from a dance class, which is actually what I wanted to share with y’all today.

It’s been awhile since I’ve really tried something new, but this quarter, I’m finishing off my dance minor with a capoiera class. I think it’s really easy, as students, to get caught up in the groove of routine and to forget to try new things/hobbies while being so busy. I was really comfortable with everything for awhile. It was actually my friend that kind of coerced me into taking this class with her, and that’s all the push I needed. I’m so excited to be trying something new.

There’s nothing like a little fear and uncertainty to shake up your routine! I was nervous going into the class today; not a lot of people know what capoeira is, including myself. From what I know, it’s an Afro-Brazilian mix of dance and martial arts, where people can “battle” in a community/dance-like setting. I learned a little bit about capoiera in my dance history class, but I really don’t know much else. I had expected to get a brief history lesson at the start of class today, but we really just dived in to moving.

There was a ton of people in my class, much larger than the usual dance class size. I saw a few familiar faces right when I walked in, so that was reassuring. The teacher, our mestre, is a man of little words. He gave a very brief introduction and then we started warming up and getting into the basic movements of capoiera. Before I knew it, everyone in the class was attempting flips, sweating, and panting. Someone’s foot even started bleeding, haha. It was kind of intense – we weren’t allowed water breaks because he really felt that this class was for hard workers who are determined to train extensively. Y’all, I cannot wait to wake up with sore muscles every week from this class.

I had a great time though; we paired off a lot with different people in the class to practice the movements. At the end of class, my mestre told us that by the end of the quarter, we would be like an established band. We’d know who dances in what way, and how different people can characterize their capoeira style. I’m truly excited for this class for the rest of my quarter.

And I suppose I just wanted to remind y’all with my little anecdote today to try something new. It doesn’t have to be long-time commitment like mine is; it can be something simple for a night or a week.

What will you be trying next? Thanks for reading and have a spectacular week!
