
tracking habits: Q4 results

Wahoo! I’m happy to share my last quarter results on my habit-tracking. My last quarter wasn’t too shabby: not my best but not my worst. I knew I’d be having the most lazy days of the year but I’m 100% ok with that. I relaxed so much and got a lot of reading done instead ☺️

You can take a peek at my Q1, Q2, and Q3 results; I’ve had so much fun sharing my habits with y’all this year, mainly to hold myself accountable and to motivate one or two of you!

I truly do think that the habits you build can change the way you live your life (read Atomic Habits if you want to learn more on how to build consistent habits and/or get rid of bad ones!), but I also recognize that building habits does come easier to some people, and that not everyone is able to adopt consistent habits within a year. Be patient with yourself – it may take time. I’ve also learned that it’s 100% ok to drop the ball sometimes if you’re having a bad day, week, month, or quarter. Keeping up habits shouldn’t feel like a chore, they should be part of your lifestyle. Plus, things happen. If you’re enjoying your life and not fitting in your habits, so be it – live your life!!

That being said, this will be my last “habits” post, but don’t worry, I’ll still be tracking them personally for my own accountability now that I know I can do it 😉 would love to chat about your habits!!

Thanks for reading,

Jen x

  1. Koshiro Fujii

    January 7, 2022 at 10:23 am

    Amazing results, Jen!

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