
top 5 things i’ve learned about being in a sorority

Hey y’all!

How was everyone’s weekend? Mine was pretty busy: I hate using that word but it really was. I feel like I’m low-key struggling to stay afloat right now but I’m just trying to maintain positivity!! I have a midterm and a quiz this week in my classes so I tried to devote some time this past weekend to study, but my sorority went on a retreat this weekend!

I wanted to share the fun photos we took at Gasworks Park, but I also wanted to share with you all the top five things I’ve learned while being part of a sorority. I feel like people always have these pre-conceived notions about sororities, that it’s some cult-like group where everyone’s catty. People sometimes look down on sororities, but I’m here to prove y’all wrong. The sisterhood retreat this weekend was focused on – well, you guessed it – sisterhood, and I’ve had some time to reflect on what being in a sorority means.

Obviously everyone’s experience is different, and being in a sorority is not for everyone. I’ve had a really positive experience thus far though, and if I can help ease anyone’s mind about going through sorority recruitment, that’s good enough for me.

  1. You grow outside of your comfort zone: In my freshman year when I wasn’t in a sorority yet, no one was pushing me to try new things, or I just didn’t feel like they were the right people to try new things with. In a sorority, I was more likely to find people who are somewhat similar to me, and wanting to try the same things. Having a buddy sometimes really helps, and finding the comfortable before doing the uncomfortable was just what I needed. I always like to emphasize independence, because I can definitely see how some young women can grow used to always having someone there to do things with and not being able to do things by themselves, but finding that balance has been pretty seamless for me.
  2. You don’t need to be outgoing and loud to be in a sorority: I was definitely worried about this going into recruitment. Being introverted and needing my alone time more frequently than others, I knew I might run into conflicts. I talked to one of my sorority sisters this weekend about it though – and she’s definitely one of the quiet ones – and even though that quiet time is needed, she was able to find it. She was also able to find friends who respect that time, and her personality. As long as you’re willing to listen, you might learn more than if you’re chatty all the time.
  3. Someone will always be there to listen: one of my favorite things about being in a sorority, to be honest. Even though I’m not 100% best friends with everyone in my sorority, I feel like I could talk to anyone about my problems, achievements, or just catch up.
  4. I love helping others: I learned that I love helping people through being in my sorority. I think everyone will discover their “role” in the house after a year or two, but through my leadership position in the house, I discovered that providing advice is really what I love to do. I’m still shook when girls tell me they look up to me as a role model. I’m humbled and it’s made me more inspired to continue helping people.
  5. I’m blessed with the most loving girls: Even though I have close friends outside of my sorority, I know that these girls will be life-long friends. As cheesy as that sounds, no one else will have shared these experiences and moments with me. I think it’s natural for large groups to gravitate into smaller groups; I’m purposefully avoiding the word “clique”. I have my closer group of friends in the sorority that just get me, but I know everyone tries to be friendly with everyone.

I hope y’all gained something from my list of five; as always, thanks for reading!

Have a wonderful week,
