
School & Updates

If you’re a student, you know how I feel.If you were a student back in the day, you remember that dreaded feeling of going back to school.

Back to School!! 

Yep, it’s that time of the year again… back to school. Unfortunately, this IS going to be one of those posts where I talk about how busy I’m going to be, and how the blog will slow down a bit.

About Me & School

I’m going to be a senior in high school this year, and you know what that means!! COLLEGE APPS WOOO. This will probably be taking up most of my writing for each week, instead of, say, reviews. It sucks, it really does. I’m apply to 5-10 schools, which is not too crazy, but it still takes time.Additionally, I’m not taking easy classes. People say senior year is the best and everyone literally just slacks, but NOPE. Not this kid! I’m at the top of my class and I want to keep it that way, so pretty much all of my classes (except for one) are weighted and heavy loaded (holla at me if you’re an IB student!!) So yeah.

EVEN MORE SO (what else could there be?!), I’m on my dance studio’s company team this year! That means after college app season, I’ll be competing at dance conventions and such pretty much every two weeks. This will be really different for me but I’m so excited!!

In the End….

So yeah. I will try to be reading as much as possible (probably when I’m riding to and from school/dance), but most likely, I won’t have the pre-bedtime reading time I used to have. *cries* I’ll be on Twitter no matter what though, so chat me up there! This blog will definitely be much more quiet starting in September. Thanks for staying with me!Are you in school? Can we suffer together? How do you stay motivated to read throughout the school year?