
just a little color

Hello hello!

As you’re reading this, I am most likely DONE with my finals for the quarter! Bless. Up. This quarter was legitimately so rough: sophomore slump + spring quarter = no motivation. I’d say that in comparison to the majority of the population my motivation for doing well in my classes was still relatively high, but compared to my usual standards, it was pretty low. But y’all, I’m heading to GREECE in just a few days!! I can’t wait!

In the meantime, you guys can bet I’m packing this dress into my luggage for the summer. It’s colorful, light, and perfect for strolling around cities in.

Dress (on sale for under $20!!) // Sandals // Bag (similar)

Definitely keep your eyes peeled for my travel posts (and possible vlogs!) in the coming months!

Talk soon,


  1. Grace

    June 5, 2017 at 9:53 am

    You’re the cutest! Can’t wait to follow all your summer travels!

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