books, travel

5 books to read if you’re dreaming of travel.

Hi friends.

This past week was kind of crazy. I urge you to take care of your mental health if you need to -–whether that means taking the day off, slowing down with a cup of tea, or simply turning off your news notifications on your phone. I almost didn’t want to write a blog post this week but I figured both you and I need positive distractions at the moment.

Work is about to pick up for me so I’m savoring my weekends even more than I usually do; H and I watched On Pointe and Hamilton (my first time!) on Disney+ this weekend, and as usual, I did a lot of reading and walking. Made my homemade pizza again on Saturday night and then treated myself to Starbucks on Sunday morning. Slow and uneventful… kind of how I like it these days.

With the arrival of the new year, I’m dreaming of the possibilities to travel again… knowing that I’ll be lucky if I can simply fly home to see family again. With that being said, it doesn’t hurt to dream, right? Books are clearly my preferred format to escape, which is how I thought of 5 books for y’all to pick up if you’re dreaming of travel right now.

*All images are from Goodreads and Pinterest.

To be floating in the ocean off the coast of Spain right now!! I actually haven’t been to Mallorca, where The Vacationers is set, but it seems sooo dreamy. This book has all the drama you need: about a family who takes a much-needed vacation only to uncover some juicy secrets.

As if I haven’t talked about Call Me By Your Name enough on my blog!! Italy has a super special place in my heart because I studied abroad here in summer 2017. I picked up Four Seasons in Rome in preparation for my trip and it honestly got me so hyped up. Plus, it’s written by the author who wrote my favorite book of all time. Both books here capture the sunny, aromatic essence of Italy. The perfect way to escape, in my opinion!

Okay personally, I’m dying to travel within the US right now too. I visited NYC for 24 hours back in 2018 and loooved the craziness of it. I thought Sweetbitter really captured the grunge-y side of it; think Girls on HBO but set in a fancy New York kitchen. Danler has the best descriptions of food!!

My last recommendation is kind of a catch-all: a roadtrip book!! I’ve never done a cross-country roadtrip before but I think it’d be so fun (if I ever do one in the future, I should probably get my driver’s license 😉). Amy & Roger’s Epic Detour is a cute YA contemporary story and I remember just devouring this one when I read it back in high school. Obviously roadtripping is the safest form of travel right now, but the thought of staying in motels/hotels is still a little too much for me at the moment. Someday soon!

Where is your next travel vacation going to be?

Thanks for reading and have lovely week, you!

Jen x